2021| Sep 1 - Future Visioning

Third meeting for the CAD2 working group conducting a Future Visioning exercise


Dear colleague, Reminder: You are invited to join a recurring Camda working group, “Climate Action Data 2.0”, convened in partnership with OpenEarth Foundation and Data-Driven EnviroLab, to take place virtually on September 1 at 8am PDT / 11am EDT / 4pm BST and on the first Wednesday of each month.

Please register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0sfuGgrD4oHND5RKw58anmcMi1h3UIZqji

If you have already registered for the recurring working group discussions, please check that you have the meeting information on your calendar. The registration information will be active throughout the end of the year.


For the upcoming September 1st session, we will engage in a participatory roadmapping/backcasting exercise designed to integrate insights and outcomes of previous working group sessions into an actionable roadmap towards effective global stocktake processes and successful implementation of the Paris Agreement. This exercise will be visually facilitated by TofuCreatives. Please find below the agenda for our next Climate Action Data 2.0 call (1.5 hours in duration) tomorrow, 1 September at 11am ET / 4pm BST. Welcome, Introductions, and Updates (Todd Edwards- Camda) (10 mins)

  • Intros for newcomers

  • Highlight: Maryam Navi and Desiree Llanos Dee

Recap (Marco Schletz- Open Earth Foundation) (5 mins)

  • High level review results from two working groups and encourage using information in large group work


    • Breaking up data harmonization into three themes

      1. Comparability

      2. Standardization

      3. Machine readability & automation, processing

    • How to define these terms and what are the issues within them?

    • Workstream specific priorities:

      • Build on existing resources and engage with broader community - importance of outreach and engagement activities (coordination with use case cases group)

      • Creating libraries of existing data sets - facilitating the merge of data sets

        • Development of open source tools, open repository

        • Taxonomies of climate data - without lock in


    • Similar themes and overlaps with data harmonization

      • Standardization of metadata and licensing standards

      • Interoperability through APIs

    • Where to find and how to access the data?

    • Trust - how do actors know they can trust the data?

    • Build on existing infrastructure and find opportunity gaps

      • Review existing infrastructure

      • Create info maps, directories and repositories

      • Knowledge sharing with relevant actors


    • How to use the core of technical expertise and to then think about to what end?

    • When we talk about use cases, we really talk about what are the climate challenges and how do we use data credibility and accountability to drive climate outcomes?

    • How can we make the data useful but also how can we a partner with the other workstreams

    • What is the enabling environment to drive the data change?

  • The future visioning exercise is a logical continuation of this exercise to develop a long-term plan about where we need to be in 2030 and the intermediary milestones and components we needed for this

Global Stocktake Vision (Todd Edwards) (5 mins)

  • Maryam Navi from UNFCCC GST to present on vision

    • 5 year process takes stock of the implementation process of the Paris agreement, focusing on long-term goals and outcomes. Enhancing support and international support for climate action

    • Components: information and preparation, technical assessment, consideration of outputs (leading to declarations and decisions)

    • Question Answers

      • How will data processing occur?

        • Secretariat: task force, roundtables, and mitigation will process data, read and analyze in pdf form → working on a platform to receive input in more than 1 format

      • What role will non-state actors play?

        • Non-state actors will submit inputs and GST will help summarize or help them work together to collaborate, possibility to have a consultation with non-state actors

Warm-up/Icebreaker: Rip Van Winkle (backcasting milestones) (Brendan Mapes- Data Driven Labs) (10 mins)

  • Intro to Tofu Creative

    • How long have they been doing this, what other orgs have they worked with, etc

      • Desiree; Chief Doodler

      • Take advanced complex issues to simplify into creative visual work to get the message across

  • Explanation (2-3 mins)

    • Rip Van Winkle is a story about a man who falls asleep for a long period of time and wakes to find everything different.

    • Imagine you are on your way to climate meetings in NY and you are tired so you take a nap and wake up 10 years later and it is 2030. You see CAD a member you recognize and have many questions about current times. It's 2030 and we're making great progress on climate change! On path to net zero emissions! But how? What do you ask this person to find out how we got to where we are?

    • Add sticky notes to Miro board of what your questions would be

  • Activity (7mins)

    • Do we have all the answers we need? Will we ever have all the answers?

Main exercise: GST Backcasting (Brendan Mapes) (30 mins)

  • Create roadmaps for each workgroup topic

    • Blank canvas: add sticky notes, put words in chat, be creative

    • What are the key things and relevant findings that need to happen to get to milestones?

      • Using data harmonization, digital infrastructure, context/policy

        • Milestones:

          • COP26

          • GST I in 2023

          • GST II in 2028

          • 2030 Future

          • What are roadblocks?

Plenary (5 mins)

  • Discussion of activity

    • How do we achieve these great ideas for the future?

      • Can get stuck in roadblocks but need to focus on the how

      • Great use of grappling with policy and data in this form: what are the key conjunctures and forms we need to see, how to we get to pilot phase, scale, phase etc

      • Encouraged by Maryam’s speech and that CAD can contribute through this work

  • Results: see Miro board

Future Visioning Presentation Desiree Llanos Dee (5 mins)

  • TofuCreatives visual scribing of session

Next steps: Todd Edwards (5 mins)

  • Do the work

  • Political next step

    • Translate efforts into moving data 2.0 past COP 26

      • How to collaborate

  • Objective for working group: detailed outcome for 2030 with steps and insights, problem sets, timeline, roadmap

Last updated

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