2021| Aug 18 - Workstream specific
Workstream specific meeting for the data harmonization and digital infrastructure streams
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Workstream specific meeting for the data harmonization and digital infrastructure streams
Last updated
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Please register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0scemtqDIuGNZ2JYqv1j4AXKOOzhKG59te
This meeting is specific to the Data Harmonization and Digital Infrastructure workstreams, which spin-off from the general meetings occurring on the first Wednesday of each month. The Working Group aims to bring together experts on climate datasets to develop new digital data harmonization frameworks and architectures.
These workstream meetings allow for a deeper dive into key dialogue with the political, data science, and communication strategy communities. The agenda for the upcoming meeting is as follows:
Recap from the last session - Angel Hsu
Wiki Review - Martin Wainstein
Identify priorities and continue workstream exercise
Identify next steps and action items for each group
(self-selected breakout groups)
Data Harmonization
Digital Infrastructure
Plenary report back from the representatives of each working group
Identify threads between workstreams and goals
Define priorities and Goals for the Future Visioning exercise
NY Climate Week
Welcome, Introductions, and Updates
Recap from the last session - Marco
Wiki Review - Martin Wainstein
Recap of Workstream topics from the last session and general expected outputs from the Working Groups - Marco Schletz
What do we mean by data harmonization?
comparability, standardization, machine, readable & automation, processing
What do we mean by digital infrastructure?
Open standards and protocol, interoperability, interconnections, open-source, scale, transparency, trust
How can we use digital data (use cases)?
Support, integration, transparency
See miro board
Identify priorities and continue workstream exercise
To continue working on digital infrastructure and digital harmonization to understand and better define use cases
Identify next steps and action items for each group
Wiki Review- Martin Wainstein
How to add yourself to a workstream
How to add resources
How to access meetings notes and information
Breakout rooms - 2 Workstreams (self-selected breakout groups)
Data Harmonization
Digital Infrastructure
Sharing back from Breakout rooms and discussion:
Plenary report back from the representatives of each working group
Data harmonization:
Call for action, a summary of current issues and exciting resources, potential paths forward, adaptation, elements of equity, enable climate justice
Digital infrastructure:
Categorize key audiences, interconnecting the sticky notes to develop groups, prioritize opportunity gaps, mapping ongoing initiative for the UN, roles of existing infrastructure, limitations of infrastructure that is not updateable
Red are new stickies building on previous workstreams
Next steps
Define priorities and Goals for Future Visioning exercise
NY Climate Week
Closing remarks