2022| Feb 2 - RINGO GST Inputs

Meeting time: February 2 at 8am PDT / 11am EDT / 4pm BST

5 min - Welcome & Intros

5 min - Speaker: Casey Cronin

10 min - RINGO Recap

25 mins - Presentations

35 min - Plenary: Informal Independent Global Stocktake Activity

10 min - Announcements/Closing Remarks

Welcome & Introductions: Angel Hsu (10 mins)

o Welcome

o Intros

o Encourage everyone to share their articles, etc on the wiki in the Library under General resources

o Invite to Thursday meeting for Informal Independent Global Stocktake for Feb. 22 submission

Speaker: Casey Cronin to present: Angel Hsu Intro (5 mins)

o Update on IGST and Climate works

o Gather more input from what comes from the iGST community.

· Timelines and benchmarks

· First submission is February 22

· We are structuring the iGST submission loosely around: Process recommendations Insights regarding guiding questions from the Non-paper Data and analytic contributions

· Is this focused on just national party actors or are non-party actors as well?

· We are thinking about "non-party actors" but mostly in national contexts. That is, submissions from NGOs, think tanks, civil society, etc. but not meaning subnational/corporate/international cooperative initiatives

· So I think this community has a very important role for submission about sub-national, corporate, international cooperative initiatives, etc.

o Helpful links for the GST:

· NON-PAPER BY THE CHAIRS OF THE SBSTA AND SBI (Updated - September): https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/REV_Non-paper_on_Preparing_for_GST1_forSBs_15Sept.pdf

· GST Overview page: https://unfccc.int/topics/global-stocktake Others Submitting submission for IGST Andrew Clapper Ian Tout WRI

RINGO Recap: Angel Hsu (10 mins)

o RINGO (Research and Independent NGOs Steering Committee):

· RINGOs has nominated 5 representatives, including DDL to participate in a consultative roundtable to the UNFCCC on the GST

· Mention that the Article text is very generic right now and that RINGO needs to provide more specific inputs on the transparency (Art13) and the GST process itself (Art4)

· We can use the UN SG Memo for inputs

· To derive key messages to share during the RINGO call

· We ask for any inputs on the from our community as to what points we should make at this opportunity

· Highlight how this could benefit CAD 2.0 and direct participants to Miro board with RINGO information encourage participants to add input, comments, suggestions

· Miro

Presentations: Angel Hsu (25 mins)

CAD 2.0 community that could contribute to independent stocktake report (3-5 mins each)

o Mark Powell/Climate Trace

· Developing pilot projects focusing on meta data

o Takeshi Kuramochi/New Climate Institute Global aggregation of non state climate action

· Focus actors

· Three annual chapters

· 2022 edition

o 2022 edition: revisit most policy relevant ‘progress indicators

o Andrew Clapper/CDP

· BAU CDP work

o Camda related work

o Challenges / Areas for development

Angel Hsu/DDL - Machine Learning actors

o Harmonizing different actors and databases to make it coherent and pulling policy actors and validating data, then use models to look at state actors and non state actors data

o Impact of actors if they are able to meet their commitments: what is actually being delivered?

o Web Scraping and Data Collection

Martin: Start thinking about digital product for next workgroup session (frame and raise it as an issue)

o Open Climate Data

· Integrated framework

· Presentation of demo for prototype

· Earth layers: what is the data saying?

· State/non state actors: what data is being used/entered?

· Corporations: who is using the system and collecting data

o Data infrastructure

o Digital harmonization

o Frontiers Paper explaining OpenClimate accounting system https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.789953/full?&utm_source=Email_to_authors_&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=T1_11.5e1_author&utm_campaign=Email_publication&field=&journalName=Frontiers_in_Blockchain&id=789953

Plenary: Technical Dialogue to the Global Stocktake Activity: Angel Hsu (35 mins)

o Recap: RINGO comprehensive analysis on the miro to have background/context for the upcoming submission

· February 22nd submission for 2-3 page report/outline

· Outline: who are we and what are we doing?

· Problem statements

· Existing formation sources

o Exercise: Miro board to develop inputs for the Technical Dialogue for the February submission

· Mapping across various (non-state) actor levels to derive inputs

· Key organizations - who’s working on what?

· 'Problem statements'

· ‘Key resources to consider (e.g. data & reports)

· 'Key synthesis points' we want to emphasize.

=> Technical Dialogue Outputs Ask people to contribute to the google doc - people to provide inputs by COB Friday, Feb. 11.

· Information dump/contributions

· Submit by Feb. 22

Announcements/ Closing remarks: Angel Hsu (5 mins)

o Welcome Louisa! The new CAD2.0 Climate Data Community Manager

o Camda stakeholder call on Feb. 15th: check out the newsletter to get on the mailing list

· https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_l495VDw=/

o Encourage everyone to share on social media for declaration

o Reach out to Melissa Hauser if you want to join the Thursday planning meeting: no meeting this week

The final version of the Technical Dialogue inputs from the CAD2.0 community:

Last updated

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